• iStock 000004344754Medium
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  • "New cell-based approaches have the potential to improve drug safety prediction before use in patients." 
Francis S. Collins, Director, NIH, Science Translational Medicine, July 6, 2011
  • "So this is the real challenge, is that if you really want to understand human biology, you need to really be working in human material." Dr. Sandra Engle, Senior Principal Scientist, Pfizer Global Research and Development
  • "We are using the tools of the last century to evaluate this century's advances." The FDA Critical Path Initiative and Its Influence on New Drug Development, Janet Woodcock and Raymond Woosley, CDER 2008

Center for Responsible Science (CRS) works to improve lives by advancing regulatory science for modern and efficient drug and device development.


Promoting emerging human relevant test methods to detect human toxicity.



Updating regulations to include emerging technologies.



Bringing drugs and devices to market more quickly at less cost.



Demanding safer and more effective drugs and devices for patients.



Advancing science through use of scientifically recognized modern test methods.